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A showcase of items I have produced. Clicking on any image will bring up a larger image and description, moving your mouse pointer off the expanded image will collapse it. Some items may have prices indicated. These are things I have that I am willing to sell although if the right person comes along I am just as likely to give it to them. If you have to ask for it you are obviously not the right person.

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Teak Fountain Pen.    $100
The Teak used in the making of this pen was salvaged from the Norwegian sailing ship The Stratsraad Lehmkuhl during a refit. This ship is a 3 masted Barque rigged sailing vessel presently used as a school ship for the Royal Norwegian Navy. This pen features black titanium plated fittings and a teak finial.
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Corian Ball Point Pen.    $45
The same corian material that many countertops are made from. This pen has platinum plated fittings and uses a "Parker" style refill.
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Bog Oak Roller Ball Pen.    $80
A large and ornate pen produced with Norwegian Bog Oak. Not a pen to be taken lightly at 2.5 oz (70g) and .65 inches at its widest.
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Watch Parts Rollerball Pen.    $150
For someone who wants something a little different. Gears, cogs and the face from a watch are imbedded in clear acrylic in this one.
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Gemstone Malachite Banded.    $70
Gemstone is created from approximately 85% natural stone ore. The ore is pigmented, compressed into blocks and impregnated with approximately 15% acrylic gem resin. The fittings on this pen are plated in black titanium. Supplied with a German made Hauser refill.
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Black Ash Burl Rollerball Pen$70    
A burl is a growth on the side of the tree or branch in which the grain has grown in a deformed manner. It often looks like a rounded growth on the tree. The ash tree is native to eastern Canada and the north eastern United States. This pen has Titanium gold plated fittings and is supplied with a German made Hauser refill.
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Acrylic Ball Point Pen$45    
A nice looking ball point pen produced with one of the few acrylics I do.
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Wedding Pen Pen    
A nice wedding pen produced in white truestone with gold lines through it. This was given to cousin when she was married.

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